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News and Announcements

Arctic Umiaq Line partners with Naleraq Seasafari to intersect Upernavik, Ukkusissat, Saattut, and Ikerasak in an intersection on Uummannaq island

250 Years of Greenland Voyages With Welfare To Our Coastal Communities

Arctic Umiaq Line notices the interest further north than Ilulissat

Discover the Authentic Beauty of Greenland’s West Coast: A Unique Encounter with Arctic Umiaq Line and Hurtigruten Norway

Greenlands Arctic Umiaq Line Partners with Hurtigruten Norway to Promote Sustainable Tourism in Greenland

Arctic Umiaq Line introduces suites in Sarfaq Ittuk

Schedule for 2025

Tusagassiutinut nalunaarut / Pressemeddelelse / Press release
Nuuk 03. december, 2024

Angalanissamut pilersaarut 2025: Angalaffissat ilisarnartut periarfissallu nutaat

Naalakkersuisut Arctic Umiaq Line A/S-ip 2025-mi angalanissamut pilersaarutaa akueraat.

Angalanissamut pilersaarummi nutaami ”Sarfaq Ittuk” Ilulissat Qaqortullu akornanni sapaatip akunnikkaartumik angalasaleqqissaaq – angalaffissat sullitatta akornanni ilisimalluarneqareersut. Taamatuttaaq angalanermi akigititat naliginnaasut uterfigineqassapput.

Tamatuma saniatigut Arctic Umiaq Linep isumaqatigiissuteqarnerasigut Naleraq Sea Safari Ilulissaniit Uummannamut Upernavimmullu angallassisalissaaq.

Aamma piffissami qaninnermi angalatitseqatigiit allat peqatigalugit angalanissamik pilersaarutit ataqatigiissarneqassapput, Nanortalik aamma Qasigiannguit eqqarsaatigalugit.

Angalanissamut pilersaarut akigititallu nittartakkami takusinnaavatit.

Aappaagu sinerissami angalaqataanissannut tikilluaqquatsigit.

Sejlplan 2025: Velkendte ruter og nye muligheder

Naalakkersuisut har godkendt sejlplanen for Arctic Umiaq Line A/S 2025.

I den nye sejlplan genindføres den ugentlige forbindelse med ”Sarfaq Ittuk” mellem Ilulissat og Qaqortoq – en velkendt rute blandt vores mange kunder. Billetpriserne bliver samtidigt normaliseret.

Derudover har Arctic Umiaq Line indgået en aftale med Naleraq Sea Safari, som gør det muligt at sejle fra Ilulissat til både Uummannaq og Upernavik.

Desuden vil vi i nærmeste fremtid koordinere, sammen med andre operatører, vores sejlplaner mht. Nanortalik og Qasigiannguit.

Du kan finde detaljer om vores sejlplan og priser på

Vi ser frem til at byde dig velkommen ombord på rejsen langs kysten.

Sailing schedule 2025: Familiar routes and new opportunities

Naalakkersuisut – The government of Greenland has approved the sailing schedule for Arctic Umiaq Line A/S for 2025.
The new schedule reintroduces the weekly service with “Sarfaq Ittuk” between Ilulissat and Qaqortoq – a well known route among our many customers. Ticket prices will also be normalized.
In addition Arctic Umiaq Line´s agreement with Naleraq Sea Safari is making it possible to sail from Ilulissat to Uummannaq and Upernavik.

We will also coordinate, with other operators, the schedules for Nanortalik and Qasigiannguit.

You can find details about our sailing schedule and prices at
We look forward to welcome you onboard for your coastal journey.

Inussiarnersumik inuulluaqqusillunga
Med venlig hilsen
Best regards

Taitsianguaq Olsen

Pisortaq / CEO
Arctic Umiaq Line A/S

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Mobil: +299 558817